The Personal Style Tool Used to Curate The Perfect Capsule Wardrobe

The Personal Style Tool Used to Curate The Perfect Capsule Wardrobe

Garment cost per wear is a concept that aims to evaluate the value of an item of clothing in relation to how often it's worn. To calculate the cost per wear, you divide the price of the garment by the number of times you realistically expect to wear it.

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A Wardrobe full of clothes and nothing to wear

A Wardrobe full of clothes and nothing to wear

It’s a common dilemma faced by many - a bursting wardrobe, yet the feeling of having nothing suitable to wear. The root of this problem often lies in a lack of organisation and purpose within the wardrobe. It’s not just about having a lot of clothes; it’s about having the right clothes that work for your lifestyle, body, and personal style.

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